Friday, August 16, 2019

Liberian Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism Places Administrative Sanction Wokie Dolo

Wokie Dolo


The Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism emphasizes that it remains the government’s agency with the statutory oversight for all tourism and cultural related activities in the Republic of Liberia – as well as its other areas of responsibility. At such, MICAT encourages any person, group or entity wishing to engage in programs of any sort that cover such ventures to first seek the approval of MICAT.
This is an aged-old procedure that those who have previously hosted events of this nature have had to follow. However, outgoing Miss Liberia Wokie Dolo has flagrantly arrogated unto herself the authority to host pageants and select Liberians for international competitions despite the expressed disapproval of the Ministry.
A few months ago, Miss Dolo singularly selected a young Liberian to represent the country at the Miss Africa Continent pageant in South Africa without the approval of MICAT. The ministry was only made aware of this when the organizers contacted the government of Liberia; so in order to deter a recurrence of any such incident, the government through MICAT promptly replaced Miss Dolo’s selection with Miss Liberia First Runner-up, Tina Finda Nyunkor.
Notwithstanding these notifications, Miss Dolo again planned another event in Monrovia – this time the Miss All University Africa Pageant – without first obtaining a permit from MICAT to do so. At the time, MICAT informed her that the franchise for the hosting of the event is owned by another company. Despite this, Miss Dolo’s group, LA Queen, proceeded with the hosting.
In keeping with law, the government sought to stop her action through a court order. In spite of that, Dolo shockingly went ahead and staged the event. This act constitutes a disrespect of the authority of the Government of Liberia, which is totally unacceptable. And as a deterrent, the Ministry will be instituting the appropriate administrative sanction.


Lance Gbagonyon

             Deputy Minister for Culture and Tourism

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